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Walter: Building Professionals Group analyzes Newtonville Area Council’s 3D modeling of Village Center Zoningd

The Newtonville Area Council (NAC) has produced a 3D model that purports to illustrate what would be allowed by right in the first draft of the Village Center Zoning Proposal.

The Building Professionals Zoning Working Group analyzed the NAC presentation. We found a number of inaccuracies and unrealistic assumptions. The analysis shows how the NAC presentation:

  • Illustrates existing buildings to appear smaller than they really are
  • Illustrates possible by-right development larger than would be allowed
  • Ignores lot lines
  • Assumes lot consolidation and lot splits throughout
  • Proposes buildings that don’t follow design standards

As a legal city government entity, the Building Professionals Zoning Working Group finds it troubling for a Neighborhood Area Council to create and promote a visual model depicting the city’s proposed zoning changes with so many inaccuracies.

The Area Councils have also promoted Marc Hershman’s presentation on village center development, which also has numerous errors. (See the Building Professionals Zoning Working Group’s analysis of Marc Hershman’s presentation.)

A key goal of the current zoning reform effort is to help smaller property owners and smaller developers improve property instead of selling to a large developer that seeks to consolidate many lots and build larger projects. Illustrating widespread demolition of existing buildings in Newtonville does not align with the city’s goals of promoting the preservation, renovation, and reuse of our existing building fabric. It is an unrealistic and distorted portrayal of what is being proposed by the planning department in an attempt to derail it. The Newtonville Area Council as well as the others creating these images owe the community an honest assessment of the proposed zoning.

Jay C. Walter AIA
Building Professionals Zoning Working Group

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