Our report on the Newton Police Department’s “Make a Senior Your Sweetheart” campaign highlighted the kindness of 11-year old Highlands resident Nate Sorrell, who runs errands for seniors and neighbors unable to do so themselves.
Of course, Nate’s kindness did not escape the attention of the kindest man in Newton — Joe Prestejohn, owner of Cabot’s Ice Cream. Both Joe and Nate had been featured in a recent WBZ-TV segment spotlighting the NPD’s campaign to spread kindness across our community.
After hearing what Nate had to say in that TV segment, last weekend Joe awarded Nate the pre-teen equivalent of winning mega-millions — an ice cream party, delivered by a team of NPD officers, including Officer Leo, the NPD’s Community Resource Dog. Neighbors in the Highlands came out to visit with Newton Officers, congratulate Nate, and share in his bounty.

Yesterday, the two heroes met when Nate’s family stopped by Cabot’s and Nate delivered a thank-you card to Joe. “I am so happy Mr. Prestejohn threw me this party and that I got to meet him in person — Cabot’s is my favorite, and we have all our family celebrations there. My mom says putting good out into the world will bring good stuff back to you. Mr. Prestejohn made that happen!”
This marks the last full week of Joe’s ownership of Cabot’s. Next Tuesday, he and his sister, Susan Lipsky, will turn the keys over to Karen and Kevin Masterson, owners of Johnny’s Luncheonette. You might not notice the transition, because Karen and Kevin will carry on the Cabot’s tradition, and Joe has agreed to stay involved — just on a more leisurely basis.