The Traffic Council voted to approve the following requests (see Report):
- Change the parking regulations on a portion of Station Avenue to allow for the installation of an in-street Bluebikes Station,
- Add parking regulations, one day per month, on a day of the week and during a window of time to be determined by the Commissioner of Public Works, to accommodate a street sweeping trial on the following streets in Nonantum: Allison Street, Beech Street, Cook Street, Dalby Street, Faxon Street, Green Street (Cook St to Pearl St), Jasset Street, Kennedy Circle, Los Angeles Street, and Middle Street.
- Update the Traffic and Parking Regulations to make the Pick-Up and Drop-Off zones on Lowell Avenue between Hull Street and Elm Road permanent.
- Add four new Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons into the TPR currently in process of installation at the following locations: Centre/Cushing/Clark, Centre/Paul, Homer/Pleasant, and Walnut/Lakewood.
The Council held the following:
- Request to review and assess a change to the parking regulations on Grove Street between Washington Street and Colgate Road.