Lots of leagues for Newton’s spring sports season are open for registration:
- Newton Kindergarten Soccer for kids in kindergarten or entering next year
- Newton Youth Soccer (NYS) for grades 1-4, 1-6, 9-12
- Newton Community Ed Soccer for grades 1-4
- Newton Community Ed Youth Futsal for grades PreK-8
- Newton Youth Lacrosse for grades 1-8
- Newton Girls Softball for NPS students in grades K-8
- Newton Little League for boys and girls, ages 4-12, in these school districts: Burr, Cabot, Day, Franklin, Horace Mann, Lincoln Eliot, Pierce, Underwood, Ward, and Williams. Senior Division (ages 13-15) for students anywhere in Newton
- Newton Southeast Little League (NSELL) for students in these school districts: Memorial-Spaulding, Mason-Rice, Bowen, Angier, Countryside and Zervas. Registration is open until Feb. 18 for grades 1-2, until March 31 for grades PreK-K, and closed on February 12 for higher grades