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Public Facilities – 2/8/2023 Report

The Public Facilities Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch the video on NewTV):

  • Petition for Grant of Location in Centre Street to remove a guy wire from a tree in poor health and put the wire on a post.
  • Request for a Grant of Location in Pleasant Street and Tyler Terrace to install and maintain a gas main for new service at 75 Pleasant St for a hot water heater. NOTE: One resident questioned the timing and duration of the project, accessibility of the street during construction, impact on existing speed bumps, and calculation of distance measurements.
  • Resolution supporting the creation of a city-wide plan to equitably achieve efficiencies, reduce emissions and risks of gas infrastructure and expedite electrification (Future without Gas and for Clean Heat). The Committee voted 7-1, Gentile opposed). NOTE: According to the Report, “Chair Leary stated that this Resolution is a mere first step in a longer conversation regarding transitioning away from fossil fuels. She also brought attention to Bill HD4047, An Act relative to Intervenors and utility work. This bill, if passed, would give municipalities much more authority in compelling utility companies to provide more detailed information about gas leaks and gas leak repair efforts.”
  • Request to appropriate and expend a total of $280,000 — ($160,000 from Stormwater- Full-time Wages Account and $120,000 from Stormwater – Drainage System Account) to cover the completion of Phase 1 of the City’s Phosphorus Control Plan. NOTE: Deputy Commissioner Sullivan reported that stormwater funds from the previous year in addition to other miscellaneous consulting funds have been used to fund the first portion of the contract. City Engineer Taverna stated that the NPDES permit requires a public education element and Deputy Commissioner Sullivan added that there is no ordinance requiring citizen cooperation with stormwater runoff reduction.
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