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Finance – 2/13/2023 Report

The Finance Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch the video on NewTV):

  • Request to accept and expend an Executive Office of Public Safety Senior SAFE Grant in the amount of $2,677 awarded to the Fire Department to purchase smoke and carbon monoxide detectors for Newton’s seniors.
  • Request to accept and expend a Massachusetts Emergency Preparedness Grant in the amount of $25,600 awarded to the Fire Department for technology and protective (“ballistic”) gear.
  • Request to accept a $10,610 bequest from the Audrey M. Cooper Estate for Newton Senior Center programs and services.
  • Request to appropriate and expend a total of $280,000 — ($160,000 from Stormwater- Full-time Wages Account and $120,000 from Stormwater – Drainage System Account) to cover the completion of Phase 1 of the City’s Phosphorus Control Plan. NOTE: Deputy Commission Sullivan stated that the overall cost to meet the targets will be quite costly, estimating that the average cost of a Phosphorous Control Plan is about $300,000. (The library project for this plan cost roughly $725,000 for 2.6 pounds of phosphorous reduction.) CFO Lemieux stated that “the total cost of the phosphorus-reducing projects will be astronomical” and explained that “the 10-year targets set forth by the EPA are not affordable for any municipality.” In response to a question regarding a possible increase in stormwater fees to cover the cost of these projects, CFO Lemieux estimated that the fees will gradually rise over time but it may be some time until the fee structure is presented to the Finance Committee. With regard to the Newton Cemetery’s exemption for area-based stormwater fees, CFO Lemieux was uncertain.
  • Request to appropriate and expend $1,500 from Handicapped Parking Fines to Law Department Grants to engage the Me2/ Orchestra to give a concert to the Newton community.
  • Reappointment of James Shaughnessy to the Board of Assessors.
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