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Rebecca Pomroy Foundation accepting grant applications until Feb. 1

The Rebecca Pomroy Foundation is now accepting applications for its 2023 grant funding cycle. The foundation seeks to assist charitable organizations that provide health-building, educational, and recreational opportunities for people of all ages, with a special preference to organizations in Newton that provide training, education, and counseling to girls and women in need. It particularly encourages applications from organizations that value and prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion and are committed to serving historically marginalized groups.

Grant recipients must be tax-exempt with 501(c)(3) designation from the IRS. Applications are due by February 1 at 6PM. A total of about $120,000 is awarded each year in grants typically in the range of $2,000 to $15,000. In 2022, the foundation distributed a total of $124,000 among 15 organizations.

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