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Posts published in January 2023

OP-ED: When it comes to tree preservation, why is Newton so far behind?

When data analysts in Cambridge, MA saw through satellite imagery that the urban tree canopy of the city had precipitously shrunken, the City Council called it an emergency; a moratorium on removing healthy trees was put in place and the City Council of Cambridge enacted a new ordinance protecting healthy…

NSHS South Stage theatre festival highlights female playwrights & student directors, Feb. 9-11

For more than two decades, Newton South High School has offered seniors the chance to try their hand at directing in the annual Student Directing Festival. Students apply with a proposal for a short play they would like to direct, and if chosen, they become responsible for all aspects of…

WinterFEST on Newton Centre Green

On Sunday afternoon, at least 750 fans of ice sculpture and winter markets congregated on Newton Centre Green to admire the work of Craig McConnell, from Images In Ice. He brought a previously sculpted ice throne, an ice castle, and an ice Mama Bear and baby. As enthusiastic crowds watched, he…

Newton WinterFEST: Guided Winter Walk

Wintry? Not really. With temperatures in the forties, it felt more like mid-spring. But WinterFEST’s Cold Spring Park winter walk on January 29 was festive. About 120 adults, small children, infants, and dogs gathered Sunday morning for a nature hike put on by Newton Community Pride. Gloria Gavris of Newton…

3 (now 4) public meetings on the Override

Mayor Ruthanne Fuller held a two-hour online Town Hall Forum on January 26 to answer questions about the proposed tax override. A recording of the meeting has been posted here. On Sunday, February 5 at 2PM, Mayor Ruthanne Fuller and Interim Superintendent Kathleen Smith will host a Tax Override Forum…

Pillsbury: People who live near transit in Newton really do use it more often

People often wonder what areas in Newton should be considered as locations for transit-oriented development. To look at this question, I researched how people get to work now based on where they live. (The Census Bureau collects data on means of transportation to work broken down by census block groups.)…

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