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City Council Meetings – Week of 12/4/2022

Full Council will meet in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, December 5 at 7:45PM (see Reports Docket and New Docket).

Land Use Committee will meet in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Tuesday, December 6 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan approval to allow a retail marijuana establishment, to allow parking within the side setback, to waive perimeter screening requirements, to waive lighting requirements, to waive the 500 ft. buffer for an existing kindergarten, and to waive the 25% façade transparency requirement at 1185 Chestnut Street – Neustra. See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo.
  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to construct an attached garage addition, dormer to the front elevation, and reconfigure the roofline of the ell, extend a nonconforming two-family dwelling use, a nonconforming third story, to increase nonconforming height, to further reduce nonconforming open space, to allow an oversized dormer, to exceed FAR and to allow a retaining wall of four feet or more in a setback at 71-73 West Pine Street. See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo.
  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to demolish the existing dwelling and construct four single-family attached dwellings in two separate structures, to allow three stories, to waive two parking stalls and to allow a driveway within 10 feet of the side lot line at 120 Norwood Avenue. See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo.
  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to rezone parts of the following 2 parcels: 136-144 Hancock Street and 169 Grove Street from Single-Residence 3 to Multi-Residence 2
  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to allow multi-family dwellings, to allow single-family attached dwellings, to allow a reduced rear setback, to allow reduced lot area per unit, to alter and extend a nonconforming side setback, to waive parking stalls, to waive perimeter screening requirements and to waive lighting requirements at 136-144 Hancock Street and 169 Grove Street. See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo.
  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to raze the existing single-story dwelling at 15 Algonquin Rd and construct five single-family attached dwellings with reduced setbacks, which exceeds the maximum lot coverage, a retaining wall greater than 4 feet in height within a setback and to allow parking dimensional relief at 71 Commonwealth Avenue. See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo.

See also Public Hearing Notice.

Programs and Services Committee will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, December 7 at 7PM. The agenda (revised 12/5) includes the following:

Chair’s Note: The Programs & Services Committee will join Public Safety & Transportation Committee’s meeting (Zoom link) to discuss the following item:

  • Request for a regular discussion with the Police Department of police data, including crashes, types of calls, numbers, and dispositions.
  • Request for a discussion to prohibit limited-service pregnancy centers from making deceptive advertisements concerning pregnancy-related services or the provision of pregnancy-related services, including implementing a penalty for violation of the ordinance.

Chair’s Note: The Chair will entertain a motion of No Action Necessary on the following item:

  • Request for a discussion and to consider an ordinance to prohibit limited-service pregnancy centers from making deceptive advertisements concerning pregnancy-related services of the provision of pregnancy-related services.
  • Two Reappointments to the Parks and Recreation Commission
    • Marguerite Connolly – Ward 3 Member
    • Mark Felhusen – Alternate member
  • Reappointment of Sue Rasala to the Council on Aging
  • Request to revise and amend Chapter 21, Art. III Trees (sec. 21-60 through 21-89) to extend tree protection to all trees 6 inches DBH (diameter at breast height) and greater within the City (with no exempt lots); to update tree removal permits, fees, and compensation; and to strengthen protection for existing and replacement trees – Councilor proposal
  • Request review and amendments to Chapter 21, Art. III, Division 3, Tree Preservation to increase replacement requirements for larger trees, add protections for smaller trees, limit removal of trees without replacement, enhance procedures for protecting trees, increasing payment required for trees cut without replacement, protect trees on lots adjacent to construction, provide Tree Warden with additional professional input on tree on private properties – Mayor/Tree Warden proposal

Public Safety and Transportation will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, December 7 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • 8 Requests to renew a public auto license:
    • Michael Gimmelfarb – American Truck & Equipment Sales, LLC.
    • Lahcene Belhouchet – Boston Cool Ride Limo Inc.
    • Donald LaPlante – Don’s Car Service
    • Ismail Unkoc – Izmo Limo, LLC.
    • Dhanraj Mahase – MHS Worldwide, LLC.
    • Noel Diaz – Newton Limos Company, LLC.
    • Rajiv Kumar – Om Sai Enterprises Inc.
    • Kikuyu Daniels – Mindful Livery LLC.

Chair’s Note: The Programs & Services Committee will join the Committee to discussthe following one
(1) item:

  • Request for a regular discussion with the Police Department of police data, including crashes, types of calls, numbers and dispositions.
  • Request for a discussion and amendment to City Ordinances necessary to continue outdoor dining on a permanent basis.

Chair’s Note: It is the Chair’s intent to vote no action necessary on the following item:

  • Request to grant administrative authority to the Commissioner of Public Works, the Director of Planning and Development, and the Police Chief to seasonably approve the use of on‐street parking spaces for restaurant outdoor dining – see Planning Memo.

The Public Facilities Committee will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, December 7 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Request for a grant of location (Eversource) to install conduit from new relocated JOL pole to the property at #39 Westfield Rd.
  • Request for a grant of location (National Grid) to install and maintain gas main in Paulson Road, Ferncroft Road, Evelyn Road, Helene Road, and Cotter Road.
  • Request to provide an update to the Public Facilities Committee on the City’s progress towards the development of the City’s Phosphorus Control Plan.

Real Property Reuse will hold a virtual (Zoom link) public hearing on Thursday, December 8 at 7PM on the following (see Agenda and Public Hearing Notice):

  • Planning Director recommending that the 57 sq. ft. City-owned parcel of land known as 181‐183 Jackson Road should be made available for sale or lease, pursuant to the City of Newton Ordinances Section 2‐7.
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