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Board and Commission Meetings – Week of 12/25/2022

Newton Retirement Board will meet in person (Room 211) on Tuesday, December 27 at 9AM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Receipt of three single physician medical panel certificates in connection with retired Police Officer George Claflin’s application for accidental disability retirement pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 32, Sections 7 & 94. Police Officer Claflin, who retired on 7/12/2022, is represented by Atty. Paul Hynes – The Board may enter Executive Session pursuant to Purpose 7 of the Open Meeting Law: “To comply with, or act under the authority of, any general…law”, that law being Exemption (c) of the Public Records Law – G.L., c. 4, s. 7(26) (c).
  • Board to review regular session minutes of the meeting held on November 22, 2022
  • PERAC Memo #29/2022 – 5% Local COLA Option
  • Director pay increase effective January 1, 2023
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