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What’s Up in Newton – Week of 11/6/2022

OPEB Board and Trustees will meet virtually (Zoom link) this morning at 9AM to discuss the frequency of Actuarial Valuation Reports (see Agenda).

The Planning and Development Board will meet virtually (Zoom link) TONIGHT at 7PM to receive a presentation and potentially vote on the 2022 Americans with Disabilities Act and 504 Transition Plan, receive an update on Village Center Zoning, and discuss the Citizen Planner Training Collaborative (CPTC) Course—Site Plan Review (see Agenda and Packet). The deliberation and potential vote on the rezoning petition to rezone two parcels — 11 Florence Street and 318 Boylston Street — to BU4 has been postponed at the request of the petitioner.

The School Committee will meet (in person: Room 210 Ed Center; virtual: Zoom link) TONIGHT at 6:30PM. The agenda includes Irwin Blumer Book Awards, Public Comment including a public forum on the proposed feeder pattern changes (see Update: Enrollment, Student Assignment, and Feeder Pattern Update Underwood/Ward – Facility and Enrollment Study Scope of Services), Interim Superintendent update, MCAS update, Superintendent Search update, discussion and votes on homeschooling policy (memo and red-lined version) changes, international field trips, and Superintendent Search Committee Charge. The Committee will also hear a preview of the YRBS Special Report on Special Education. (See Agenda.)

The City Council will meet TONIGHT, 7:45PM (in-person: Council Chamber; virtual (Zoom link) and will vote on the following special permit requests that received approval from the Land Use Committee at its meeting on October 25 (see Report and watch the video on NewTV): Woodland Golf Club (sport courts, warming hut, and parking), a request to enclose an existing screened porch, a for-profit Irish Dance School, and the Crafts Street Elder Housing with Services proposal See Reports Docket. The Council will also be voting on the following special permit requests that received approval from the Land Use Committee at its meeting on November 1 (see Report and watch the video on NewTV): replacing the petitioner in a previously approved Special Permit/Site Plan Approval for a retail marijuana dispensary from MME Newton Retail LLC to Pharmacannis Massachusetts Inc. d/b/a Verilife, increasing the number of shuttles for the accessory parking shuttle service at 199 Boylston Street, a six-unit residential development at 416-418 Langley Road. NOTE: The Land Use Committee denied the special permit request for a drive-in on Route 9 – 940 Boylston Street (Dunkin Donuts). The vote in committee to deny was 5-1-2 (Lucas opposed, Greenberg, Markiewicz abstaining).

The Council will also vote on a recommendation to deny an appeal of a Traffic Council decision to install a stop sign at a T intersection at Exeter and Berkeley Street (see Public Safety and Transporation Report) and a request to appropriate and expend $50,000 from the Special Permit fees, Austin and Lowell account, to improve safety for all users by constructing traffic flow changes at two intersections on Lowell Avenue, consistent with the intent of Special Permit #175-21, Condition 6 (see Finance Report and watch the video on NewTV).

The New Docket includes the following:

  • Request to extend the time to exercise a previously approved Special Permit for the proposed lab space at 275 Grove Street
  • Proposal to add a for-profit educational use at 49-51 Winchester Street
  • Request to amend a previously approved Special Permit/Site Plan approval to convert office space into a 14th residential unit at 429 Cherry Street
  • Discussion regarding the use of the OpenGov system to record and track actions required by conditions specified in the Council special permit. These conditions are ones requiring follow-up and/or enforcement by City Departments.
  • Request to add as-of-right zoning for animal services in BU1 and BU2 zoning district
  • Request to Transfer $55,000 from a Financial Services Full-time Salaries Account to a Non-Lapsing Police Technology Upgrade Account.

Election Day for the 2022 State Election is Tuesday, November 8. Polls are open from 7AM – 8PM. (See Election Warrant and Newton polling places.) Offices: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary Of State, Treasurer, Auditor, Representative In Congress (CD 4), Councillor (3rd District), State Senator (Norfolk & Middlesex), State Representative (Middlesex 10th, 11th, & 12th), District Attorney (Northern District), Sheriff (Middlesex). There are also 4 questions on the ballot.

The Fair Housing Lottery Results and Lease-Up Subcommittee will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Tuesday, November 8 at 8AM to review last month’s discussion with Brian Engler of SEB regarding the lease-up process and discuss next steps (see Agenda).

The Economic Development Commission will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Tuesday, November 8 at 6:30PM to receive regular updates from its subcommittees (Zoning, DEI, and Sustainability), receive an update on 1314 Washington Street, and updates from staff on outdoor dining 2023, the Economic Development website, California Street Study, and West Newton Parking. (See Agenda.)

A Virtual Chat (Zoom link) with Building Commissioner Josh Morse on Sustainability is scheduled for Wednesday, November 9 at 9AM.

The Negotiations sub-committee of the Newton School Committee will convene virtually (Zoom link – NOTE: No Meeting Passcode provided) in Open Session and vote to enter into a closed Executive Session on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 4:00 pm to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with the NTA.

Sign permit requests for Elizabeth Home, Sonesta Global Headquarters, Dion’s, Learning Express, and Avenue Deli are on the Urban Design Commission‘s agenda for its virtual (Zoom link) meeting on Wednesday, November 9 at 7PM. The Commission will also conduct design review for the proposal at 1 Jackson Street and discuss Zoning Redesign and Village Center Zoning (see Packet).

The Public Safety and Transportation Committee has two items on its agenda for its meeting (in person: Room 205; virtual: Zoom link) on Wednesday, November 9 at 7:30PM (NOTE late start time): 1)a request to transfer $800,000 from June 30, 2022 Certified Free Cash to fund the replacement of Engine 7, and 2) a request to transfer $55,000 from a Financial Services Full-Time Salaries Account to a Non-Lapsing Police Technology Upgrade Account.

A discussion on best practices and materials used for athletic field surfacing, both natural and synthetic and the two proposals (Councilor proposal and Administration proposal) to amend the Tree Preservation Ordinance are on the Programs and Services Committee agenda for its meeting (in person: Room 211, virtual: Zoom link) on Wednesday, November 9 at 7:45PM (NOTE late start time).

The Public Facilities Committee will meet virtually (in person: Room 205; virtual: Zoom link) on Wednesday, November 9 at 7:45PM to hold two public hearings for grants of location for Eversource: one to service #393 Hammond Street and the second to replace a JO Pole anchor guy near the intersection of Walnut Street near Walnut Place and Washington Park, a public hearing for a water main extension for #45 Cross Hill Road, and review a request to appropriate and expend $150,000 from June 30, 2022 Certified Free Cash to purchase a replacement for a 2004 trackless sidewalk clearing tractor. (NOTE: Late start time and see Agenda).

An in-person Town Hall related to the proposed override will be held at Countryside Elementary School (with tours available at 6:30PM) on Thursday, November 10 at 7PM.

The City Council will meet as a Committee of the Whole on Thursday, November 10 at 7PM (in person: Council Chamber; virtual (Zoom link) to discuss the override proposals and override-related proposals: Setting the date of the election, funding request to pay for the special election, request to amend the city’s ordinance to increase in income limit for the tax deferral program, request for home rule petitions that will allow for changes to exemptions and a request to accept legislation that would allow additional exemptions for certain blind persons, veterans, surviving spouses, and seniors, and provide an additional exemption up to 100 percent of the personal exemption.(see Agenda)

The request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for 15 Oak Street has been withdrawn and moved to the Upper Falls Historic District Commission‘s meeting in December. The Commission will still meet virtually (Zoom link) on Thursday, November 10 at 7PM to discuss a window replacement project at 54 High Street and discuss Commission membership and use of NewGov to access meeting materials (see Agenda).

The override proposal and the proposed Waban Village Center mapping are among the topics to be covered at the Waban Area Council virtual (Zoom link) meeting on Thursday, November 9 at 7:30PM (see Agenda).

This week’s road construction schedule has not been updated.

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