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NPS Superintendent Candidate Profile approved by Search Committee, heads to full School Committee for debate

Survey and Focus Group Results Shared by Recruiting Firm

During a special meeting of the Superintendent Search Committee on November 28, the City’s recruiting firm Hazard Young Attea (HYA) presented the results of the community focus groups and surveys that were conducted during November, as well as the proposed Leadership Profile Report that will be used to inform the Desired Superintendent Characteristics. 

Regarding the community’s top priorities in finding a candidate, notable aspects of the survey results include a superintendent’s ability to attract top teaching talent and establish a culture of high expectations. When asked to rate the State of the District according to (i) Vision and Values, (ii) Teaching and Learning, (iii) Community Engagement, and (iv) Management, non-parent community members and students provided the most negative ratings, while NPS administrators provided the most favorable ratings. A total of 2,194 stakeholders responded to the survey, with 1,562 parents/guardians comprising the largest sub-group of respondents.

In addition to administering the survey, HYA conducted virtual and in-person focus groups with 336 participants, including members of the School Committee, City Council, NPS families, and NPS staff.  HYA noted in their report of focus group feedback:

The largest issue and the one most frequently identified by those who were interviewed surrounded perceptions of academic excellence and equity. Positions within this issue tended to fall into one of two categories: (a) those who feel academic excellence has been lost at the expense of equity – meaning that previously held high standards and expectations for students have been compromised [or reduced to the “lowest common denominator”] to ensure all students can succeed; and (b) those who believe that the academic excellence cannot truly exist in the absence of educational equity for all students – meaning that equity is a core belief of the Newton community and is therefore intrinsic to all aspects of work and progress. While HYA does not take a position on these issues, we urge the School Committee to select a leader who can clearly articulate a shared commitment toward both equity and excellence for Newton.

The surveys, focus groups, and Leadership Profile culminated in a job description titled Desired Superintendent Characteristics.  The documents prepared by HYA were approved by the Search Committee and are expected to be debated and possibly amended during the School Committee meeting on December 1, followed by a vote on December 5.

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