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Land Use Committee – 10/18/2022 Report

The Land Use Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch video on NewTV):

  • Request for a consistency ruling from the Commissioner of Inspectional Services for a retaining wall approximately three and a half feet in height that was constructed in nthe front setback at 67 Walnut Street.

All other items were held.

The Committee opened the public hearing for a request for a special permit/site plan approval to allow a rear lot subdivision to construct a single-family dwelling, relocate the existing dwelling forward and waive the definition of “rear-lot” at 113 Grove Street. The plan would include constructed a 30-ft. wide strip of property that would be one-foot deep and block Lasell Street from the rear lot so there would be no frontage on Lasell Street. Concern was raised by one resident and echoed by members of the Land Use Committee regarding the proposal as a “rear lot subdivision” and questioned feasibility of relocating a fire hydrant. Ward 4 Councilor Markiewicz moved hold and the item was held.

The Committee opened the public hearing for a request for a special permit/site plan approval to extend a non-conforming use and to upgrade the existing tennis and racquet facilities by adding additional sport courts, a warming hut and associated parking for the Woodland Golf Club. Residents who testified raised concerns about removal of trees and status of the150-year old H.H.Richardson Building on site to which the petitioner responded that some trees would be removed but not along Washington Street and that there were no plans to change, alter, or remove for the historic building. One resident, raised concerns about the fencing and urged the committee to reject the proposal but City Solicitor Jonah Temple stated that the issue of fencing is outside of zoning and not relevant addinggg that there are other enforcement mechanisms regarding this issue. Ward 4 Councilor Markiewicz moved to hold the item and the item was held.

The Committee also opened a public hearing on a request for a special permit/site plan approval to allow a three-story structure with 36 feet in height and build two additional floors above the existing 2-level garage and build four units of multi-family housing at 1 Jackson Street. Residents testifying raised concerns about improving visibility for cars coming down to the sidewalk, reducing the curbut, adding artwork, and reducing the size of the units to allow for additional housing units. Several committee members also expressed a desire to reduce the size of the units to allow for more housing and also raised concern regarding accessibility. Ward 6 Councilor Bowman moved to hold the item and the item was held.

The Land Use Committee opened a public hearing for a request for a special permit/site plan approval to demolish the existing building and construct a 3-story, 9-unit residential building and allow ground floor residential use with residential above, and allow for additional waivers including parking, screening, driveway width and lighting ad 106 River Street. Several residents who testified were concerned about the height of the project and the shadows that would be cast on nearby properties, but one resident believes the project will fit into the neighborhood and is pleased with the landscaping, solar options, and setbacks. Committee members expressed concerns regarding possible removal of a mature tree, configuration of the underground parking, and lack of landscaping at the back of the property. Ward 4 Councilor Markiewicz moved to hold the item and the item was held.

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