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What’s Up in Newton – Week of 10/16/2022

Mayor Fuller will address City Council and present the FY2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan and 5-year Financial Forecast after the first call of reports at the Full City Council meeting (in person: Council Chamber; virtual (Zoom link) TONIGHT, October 17 at 7:45PM (see Reports Docket and New Docket). Previous 5-year Financial Forecasts have suggested possible financial issues in future anticipated budgets, and many are anticipating important news on the latest financial forecast.

Also on the agenda for the full council meeting are the three items that were chartered at the last full City Council meeting, on October 3:

  • The proposal to amend the Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance (see Fig City News article). The proposed amendments include:
    • Eliminating the 4-year look-back period,
    • Allowing small detached ADUs by right,
    • Relaxing setback requirements,
    • Amending the owner occupancy provision to clarify terms of occupancy by indirect owners, and
    • Updating the language of the ordinance regarding by-right use of Accessory Dwelling Units to clarify that FAR calculations must include the gross floor area of the ADU.

This item was chartered by Councilor Baker. (See Councilor Crossley Memorandum on ADUs and Councilor Baker Memorandum Regarding Zoning for Accessory Dwelling Units.)

  • The request to accept the recommendation of the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) to appropriate $1,948,056 in Community Preservation Act fundingwith $556,588 to come from the FY23 Community Housing Reserve Account and $1,391,468 to come from FY2023 Unrestricted Funding Account, to provide funding to the Newton Affordable Housing Trust for future projects that meet one or more of the CPA’s eligible funding categories for Community Housing projects. This item was chartered by Councilor Gentile.
  • The third and final item chartered was the proposal to extend tree protection throughout the city including a temporary one-year moratorium on all tree removal until the City Council adopts amendments to the tree ordinance. This item was chartered by Councilor Norton.

New on the Docket:

  • A request for a discussion with the Sustainability Team and the Planning Department regarding new Massachusetts Building Energy Codes, which becomes effective January 2023, and to understand the specifics of the “Specialized code,” which is optional, what it regulates beyond the Stretch code, and consideration of adopting the “Specialized code for Newton;
  • A request for a discussion and possible ordinance to prohibit limited-service pregnancy centers from making deceptive advertisements concerning pregnancy-related services or the provision of pregnancy-related services;
  • A 57 sq. ft. City-owned parcel of land known as 181-183 Jackson Road for possible sale or lease; and
  • Submission of the FY23 Municipal Property Tax Levy Distribution Percentages for residential, open space, commercial, and industrial classes of Real Property.

The Commission on Disability will meet virtually on Monday, October 17 at 6:00PM (Zoom link) on Monday, October 17 at 6:00PM to present a commendation to long-time member, Rob Caruso and welcome two new members, Nyree Kibarian and Ima Jonsdottir; to hear updates from subcommittees; and to discuss an upcoming public meeting, scheduled for October 27 on Newton’s ADA/504 Transition Plan (see agenda).

A public hearing on the McGrath Field Project is scheduled at the Parks and Recreation Commission virtual (Zoom link) meeting on Monday, October 18 at 7PM (see agenda).

School Committee’s Superintendent Search Committee will meet virtually (Zoom link – passcode: 238065) on Tuesday, October 18 beginning at 7PM (see agenda). The Committee will convene in Open Session and will then move into Executive Session to consider or interview applicants for employment or appointment by a preliminary screening committee.

Two new Common Victualler Licenses are being requested at the Board of Licensing Commissioners meeting, in person (Room 204) and virtual (Zoom link) on Tuesday, October 18 at 7:30PM (see agenda): Little Lukes Cafe, LLC d/b/a Little Lukes Cafe, 1225 Chestnut Street and Avenue Deli, 1134 Beacon Street. Also two notices of closures: Double J Hospitality LLC d/b/a Jamie’s on Union and Waltham Pubs Inc d/b/a John Brewers/Brewers Coalition.

The Land Use Committee will hear four requests for approval of special permit/site plans at its meeting, in person (Council Chamber) and virtual (Zoom link) on Tuesday, October 18 at 7PM (see agenda): a rear lot subdivision – 113 Grove Street; a 9-unit residential building – 106 River Street; a four-unit development to be constructed above 1 Jackson Street; and a proposal to construct sport courts, a warming hut, and associated parking at the Woodland Golf Club.

The Countryside Elementary School Building Committee will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Tuesday, October 18 at 6PM (see agenda) to review and approve previous minutes, receive a designer update, and take public comments.

1314 Washington Street and the Crafts Street Elder Housing Project’s petitioner will present its project to the Newton Housing Partnership at its virtual (Zoom link) meeting on Tuesday, October 18 at 6PM (see agenda). The Partnership will discuss these proposals and possibly take a vote on them. The Partnership will also discuss the Economic Stability and Mobility Initiative (funded by ARPA, see RFP), and receive updates on the Affordable Housing Trust, the West Newton Armory (ZBA hearing on Wednesday, October 19), and the Northland Charlemont 40B.

The Spears Park Community Garden Project on-site meeting that was postponed on October 4 in observance of Yom Kippur has been rescheduled to Tuesday, October 18 at 6PM (see Meeting Notice).

The two dueling Tree Ordinance Amendments are back on the Programs and Services Committee agenda for its virtual (Zoom link) meeting on Wednesday, October 19 at 7PM (see agenda and pp. 7-48 on the agenda).

The Public Safety and Transportation Committee will hear an appeal of a Traffic Council decision approving a Stop Sign at the intersection of Exeter Street at Berkeley Street and discuss transportation priorities and traffic calming at its virtual (Zoom link) meeting on Wednesday, October 19 at 7PM (see agenda).

A grant of location for electric utilities and a joint discussion with the Public Safety and Transportation Committee and administration and school officials on transportation priorities and public works/streets/sidewalks etc. will be discussed at the Public Facilities Committee virtual meeting (Zoom link) on Wednesday, October 19 at 7PM (see agenda). NOTE: The Public Facilities Committee will go to the Public Safety and Transportation meeting for their joint discussion at this Zoom link.

The Urban Design Commission will review six sign permits, review one old sign permit, hear two fence appeals, and conduct design reviews for 528 Boylston and 160 Charlemont Street/56 Christina Street proposals at its virtual (Zoom link) meeting this Wednesday, October 19 at 7PM (see agenda; Packet Docs1; Packet Docs2; and Packet Docs3.

The appeal of NSHS Brandeis Road Field Lights permit may finally be heard after it was postponed due to technical (audio) difficulties in the Chamber at the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) meeting in September. The ZBA will meet in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, October 19 at 7PM (see agenda; packet; and Planning Memo) to take up the appeal of the lights, which are already up and operating, and also to open the public hearing on the West Newton Armory Comprehensive Permit.

The Chestnut Hill Historic District Commission will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Thursday, October 20 at 7PM (see agenda) to review six requests for Certificate of Appropriateness and continue a working session to review siding.

The Planning Department will give members of the Affordable Housing Trust a presentation on Village Center Zoning at its in-person (Room 204) and virtual (Zoom link) meeting on Thursday, October 20 at 4PM (see agenda). Also on the agenda is a staff presentation on the City’s Community Preservation Funding program, a review and approval of the draft Trust Funding Application, and a review and approval of their September meeting minutes.

The Economic Development Commission voted at its meeting last week to issue this letter of support on the proposed framework for Village Center Zoning.

The Comptroller’s FY22 Budgetary Basis Financial Statements have been released.

This week’s road construction schedule can be found here.

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