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Unanimous vote in Land Use Committee for Crafts Street Elder Housing with Services proposal

On October 25, all eight members of the City Council’s Land Use Committee voted to recommend to the Full Council approval of the Crafts Street Elder Housing with Services proposal (see Special Permit documents), which includes a request to rezone seven parcels (34, 36, 38, 48, 50 Crafts Street, and 19 and 21 Court Street) and a request for a special permit/site plan approval to construct a six-story building consisting of independent, assisted living, and long-term memory care units totaling 233 beds. (Go to NewTV for the recording.)

Because there will be no affordable units on-site, the petitioner must pay $11,800,766 to the City to be used for affordable housing, and this payment must be made prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy. The petitioner will also pay to the City $302,955 for infrastructure improvements for inflow and infiltration and $25,000 for improvements to Pellegrini Park, and shall design and construct improvements to the intersection at Washington Street and Crafts Street. If the total cost is less than $1,133,856, any remaining funds will go toward Pelligrini Park improvements. (See draft Council Order attached to the end of the Planning Memo.)

The Full Council is expected to vote on the Land Use Committee’s recommendation t at its next Full Council meeting on Monday, November 7.

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