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Public Safety and Transportation – 9/21/211 Report

The Public Safety and Transportation Committee voted to approve the following (see Report):

  • Request for triennial renewals of six bus licenses for Mass General Brigham. There are no changes proposed from 2021.
  • Request for four new triennial bus licenses for Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
  • Request to approve a detail of a sufficient number of police officers and staffing hours for each polling place to preserve order and protect the election officers from any interference with their duties and to aid in enforcing the laws relating to elections. The Chief of Police, in consultation with the City Clerk, will report on the State Primary details and provide a plan for providing police officers at polling locations in the number required by the City Clerk to meet this obligation. On this item, Chief Carmichael reported on the State Primary election (which ran smoothly) and answered Committee questions. He emphasized that although Chapter 54, section 72 changes exclusive authority to determine the number of police officers at a polling station to an elected body, other laws remain the same with respect to elections where police have sole authority (arrest power, and reporting legal violations) and Wardens have the power to maintain order at the polls and handle violations. Committee members expressed concern. Councilor Oliver made a motion to approve 1 officer per location with additional officers being assigned at the discretion of the Police Chief in consultation with the City Clerk for all future elections. Committee members agreed and voted to approve.
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