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Posts published in October 2022

Tornheim: Make zoning process transparent and inclusive

I am writing to give feedback on the village zoning project. I have been watching development in Newton for 48 years and am very upset at the damage that is being done to the city. The unrestrained demolitions of smaller houses that are replaced with gigantic and expensive duplexes have…

Walter: Congrats to City Council regarding ADUs

I am writing to thank the City Council for passing the revisions to the zoning ordinance regulating accessory apartments. I believe these changes are consistent with the goals of the zoning redesign, helps the City comply with the MBTA Communities Act and will allow greater density within our community while…

Hecht: Zoning survey poorly done

I agree the Zoning survey was poorly done. It was highlighted when it tried to explain the differences among villages by comparing Auburndale with Waban. Neither are large, and I consider both to be small. A better comparison would have included Newton Corner or Newton Center as large and Waban…

Negotiations Sub-committee of Newton School Committee to meet – Friday, 10/28

The Negotiations sub-committee of the Newton School Committee will meet virtually (Zoom link – Passcode: 755102) on Friday, October 28 at 10AM to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with the NTA. The meeting will begin in open session and a vote will be taken to enter into executive…

School Committee to meet on Thursday, October 27

The School Committee will meet in person (Room 210, Ed Center) and virtually (Zoom link) on Thursday, October 27 at 6:30PM. The agenda includes the following: Convene School Committee meeting Public Comment Interim Superintendent Update Discussion/Updates: Preliminary Enrollment Report – See Preliminary Enrollment Memo; Enrollment, Student Assignment, and Feeder Pattern…

Unanimous vote in Land Use Committee for Crafts Street Elder Housing with Services proposal

On October 25, all eight members of the City Council’s Land Use Committee voted to recommend to the Full Council approval of the Crafts Street Elder Housing with Services proposal (see Special Permit documents), which includes a request to rezone seven parcels (34, 36, 38, 48, 50 Crafts Street, and…

School Committee to meet on Thursday, Oct. 27

The School Committee recently posted that it will meet this Thursday evening to address several topics including enrollment, fiscal and operational updates, the Superintendent search, capital projects, and policies related to school choice, dress codes, student discipline, and home schooling. The meeting will be in person and virtual. For meeting…

Monahan: Tune in and participate in zoning redesign

Like most people in Newton, I never planned to follow zoning redesign efforts, but now that I do, I’m hooked. At last night’s Zoning and Planning (ZAP) meeting, the planning team presented draft maps for the village center rezoning effort. (Zoning is the process by which rules are made that…

Zoning and Planning Committee receives preliminary mapping of proposed districts in Village Centers

In its October 24 meeting, the City Council’s Zoning and Planning Committee reviewed a presentation of the preliminary mapping of proposed zoning districts in Village Centers. The presentation was made by the City’s consultant for this project, Utile, under the direction of the Planning Department. These selected slides from the…

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