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Monahan: Tune in and participate in zoning redesign

Like most people in Newton, I never planned to follow zoning redesign efforts, but now that I do, I’m hooked. At last night’s Zoning and Planning (ZAP) meeting, the planning team presented draft maps for the village center rezoning effort. (Zoning is the process by which rules are made that determine allowable uses and sizes for lots throughout a municipality.) Revising Newton’s nearly 70-year-old code is an opportunity to bring more residents, businesses, and affordable housing to our village centers; it’s good for protecting the environment, improving the economy, and creating walkable, people-friendly places.

The maps presented Monday night are just a first draft. Because Newton’s villages are so different from one another, the maps are custom-fit to each village’s needs. They follow closely the areas in the villages that already have development. Some tweaking of the maps is needed. In some areas, the proposed allowable heights are too high; in others, it seems too low.

The Planning Department will now meet with city councilors, residents, business owners, community organizations, and others to review these drafts for input. In February, the team will come back with revised maps and draft zoning language based on this listening effort.

In my over 30 years of working in architecture and planning, I have been to many public planning meetings. The City of Newton has the “A-Team” on this effort; we are extremely fortunate. Tune in and participate—this is truly a rare opportunity.

Lisa Monahan, Architect

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