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Land Use Committee Meeting – 9/20/2022 Report

The Land Use Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch video on NewTV):

  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to allow the construction of an attached garage with living space above, further extending the non-conforming front setback and further reducing the non-conforming open space at 39 Floral Street. See Special Permit documents and Draft Council Order.
  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to allow a for-profit education use at 1221-1227 Centre Street. See Special Permit documents and Draft Council Order.
  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to allow additions to the basement, first and second stories of the existing dwelling, further extending the non-conforming height at 1 Ridge Road. See Special Permit documents and Draft Council Order.
  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to allow parking in the front setback and to allow a second front entrance at 154 Oliver Road. See Special Permit documents and Draft Council Order.

Three items were held:

  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to demolish the existing dwelling and allow four single-family dwellings in two buildings, to allow three stories, and to allow a driveway within 10 feet of the rear lot line and parking within 20 feet of the front and rear lot lines at 120 Norwood Avenue – see Special Permit documents. Many neighbors oppose the proposed project and submitted a petition (signed by 64 abutters – people living in 20 abutter houses or 1 -2 houses away) citing parking and traffic issues already existing in an already dense neighborhood. One resident opposes the project because they believe the project is not dense enough citing the need for more modest-sized homes – not large condos. The problem is not the size of the building but the size of the units.
  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to rezone parts of 136-144 Hancock Street from Single Residence 3 to Multi-Residence 2 and a Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to allow multi-family dwellings, to allow single-family attached dwellings, to allow a reduced rear setback, to allow reduced lot area per unit, to alter and extend a nonconforming side setback, to waive parking stalls, to waive perimeter screening requirements and to waive lighting requirements at 136-144 Hancock Street. The petitioner explained that they had two neighborhood meetings, with lots of feedback during meetings with working sessions with the Auburndale Historic District Commission. Only one neighboring resident spoke and stated that he believes the project is consistent with what the neighborhood wants, likes the design, and supports the project. One Newton Centre resident spoke in favor of the petition, referring to the proximity to transportation and the Star Market – but was “baffled by the average size of the units” – stating that “we” need more housing in the 1200 sq. ft. range and that more units could be built within the same footprint of the buildings (several councilors agreed – Kelley, and Bowman). One Newtonville resident stated that she appreciates the preservation of the historical structure and preserving a sense of scale in residential neighborhoods and believes they have done an admirable job in doing that and added that more numerous smaller-sized housing does not necessarily accommodate families.
  • Request to rezone 7 parcels: 34 Crafts Street, 36 Crafts Street, 38 Crafts Street, 48 Crafts Street, and 50 Crafts Street from Manufacturing to BU4; and 19 Court Street and 21 Court Street from MR1 to BU4 and a Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to allow an Elder Housing with Services facility, to allow development in excess of 20,000 sq. ft., to allow a seven‐story building, to allow a building 84 feet in height, to allow parking within the side setback, to reduce the required parking stall width, to reduce the required parking stall depth, to reduce the required parking stall depth for accessible stalls, to allow a reduced drive aisle width for two‐way traffic and to waive the lighting requirements at 34, 36, 38, 48, 50 Crafts Street, 19‐21 Court Street. – See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo. Concern was raised by one resident abutter that in order to have a special permit and for the waivers requested, believes that requirements must be met in order for the special permit to be approved and believes that it has not. She also pointed to the Washington Street plan which calls for gentle transitions to the adjacent neighborhood and how this project does not meet that goal. Another resident raised questions regarding undergrounding of wires, requests for renderings that reflect actual on-the-ground trees that exist (petitioner said it resubmitted rendering that better reflect existing conditions)- structural concerns related to his property, rodent coverage, and concern regarding an existing beech tree – (petitioner says it is not on their property). Another resident requested that public comment not be closed because of the lateness of the meeting, and concerns about the beech tree (hired an arborist but it is not on their property)and another mature tree (#19), the proposed walkway, and large vent exhaust fans from garage, auxiliary parking, and lighting (seeking a waiver to have less intense lighting) One Green Newton member states that Green Newton supports the project because it meets passive house design, standards, is incorporating all-electric – heat/cooling and commercial kitchen, and is in a great location walkable to shopping and transit. The public hearing will be continued to the next meeting.
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