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Posts published in September 2022

Minyan Darchei Shalom: High Holiday schedule

Minyan Darchei Shalom is a fully lay-led, traditional egalitarian minyan in Newton.  All are invited for the upcoming High Holidays, meeting at Temple Shalom (175 Temple Street, Newton).  No tickets or reservations are required. Our High Holiday schedule: Rosh Hashanah, First Day, Monday morning, September 26, 9:00AM Rosh Hashanah, Second Day, Tuesday…

Cabot Park Black History Lecture Series: Rev. Eugene Rivers on “Police Violence in Black Communities,” Sept. 23

The Cabot Park Black History Lecture series will host Rev. Eugene Rivers III on September 23 at 3PM in the Community Room at Cabot Park Village (280 Newtonville Ave.). This lecture is free and open to the public. Covid protocols: Masks are required, and visitors will sign in and have their temperatures…

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Fig City News — a community news hub for Newton, Massachusetts — is a nonprofit corporation, run by volunteers and designated tax-exempt under IRC 501(c)(3). Donations are tax-deductible. We welcome donations to help cover out-of-pocket expenses and to support our plans to expand readership and hire part-time reporters. To support Fig City News, we invite you to:…

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