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UPDATE – Newton Highlands Area Council votes to send its own letter on Village Center Zoning to City Council

Newton Highland Area Council members and residents discussed and debated a proposed letter addressing the new Zoning Redesign and community engagement process that has been launched for Village Center Zoning by the City. Three Area Councils — Waban and Newtonville, and Newton Upper Falls — voted to send a letter to the City requesting additional community engagement in the Zoning Redesign process via Area Councils, and that the length of time for review of Zoning Redesign proposals be extended beyond the current period of six weeks.

Newtonville Area Council Chair Jennifer Bentley stated that Newtonville was concerned that there was not enough time to review the new zoning proposals. They support the letter because they want more time to gather community feedback and promote it to residents and they want the Councils to have a bigger role and function as representatives of neighborhoods for the zoning redesign process.

Newton Highlands Area Council member Jeremy Freudberg supports asking for more time for Area Councils to weigh-in on the process but he wants to define what the request entails obtaining requisite information about zoning reform. Other residents, including Kathy Pillsbury and Lisa Monahan, were concerned that the letter was premature given that the City had just released the proposal and the letter implies that the City’s information on the Zoning Reform process was inadequate. City Councilors Crossley, Downs, and Danberg also expressed their views. Councilor Crossley explained that this process is about presenting plans that illustrate what can be built in each district, recognizing that each village center is different, and getting feedback on what people think. Area Council President Nathaniel Lichtin expressed concern that the feedback may be used to lead to a decision on the final proposal as if the framework had been endorsed.

After soliciting input and feedback from the Newton Highlands Area Council members, the Newton Highlands Area Council voted to support a separate letter requesting more time. The Newton Highlands Area Council voted 4-4 on the request to sign on to the joint letter and the item did not pass. The Newton Highlands Area Council will hold a special virtual meeting (Zoom link) on Saturday, 9/10 at 1:45PM to discuss the letter requesting more time (see Agenda).

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