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What’s Up in Newton — Week of 8/21/2022

No City Council meetings this week.

Accuvote Ballot Machine Testing will begin on Monday, August 22, in preparation for the upcoming State Primary to be held on Tuesday, September 6. Testing of the machines will begin at 9:30AM and will take place in the Cafeteria at City Hall. Mail-in ballots have already gone out, and early voting will take place at City Hall beginning Saturday, August 27 from 9AM to 3PM. The full early voting schedule and additional election information can be found here.

The Countryside School Building Committee and Community Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 23 at 6PM (Zoom link) The agenda includes a Designer Selection Update and Introduction to the Designer — DiNisco Design Team — whose previous work with Newton includes Angier Elementary School).

The Newton Historical Commission will meet on Thursday, August 25 at 7 PM (Zoom link), and its agenda includes consideration of 10 Full Demolitions. The Commission will review these petitions along with a request to approve a fence for a local landmark property at 31 Greenwood Street.

Mayor Fuller will meet with the Sustainable Materials Management Commission at their upcoming in-person meeting this Thursday, August 25 at 7PM (Room 205 in City Hall). According to the agenda, the Commission will discuss its recommendations made last year on ways to reduce waste (see Setting the Path to Zero Waste: Recommendations on the Future of Residential Curbside Waste Management in Newton).

Newtonville Area Council will meet on Thursday, August 25 at 7PM (Zoom link) and will provide updates on the upcoming Village Day (September 18, 12PM-4PM ) as well as updates on building projects around Newtonville (see agenda). In addition, there will be a review of the Joint Area Council Letter regarding the Zoning and Planning Committee’s Village Center Zoning proposals and a discussion on a Joint Area Council meeting and presentation on Zoning.

This week’s road construction schedule has not been posted yet.

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