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West Newton Armory: Updated design for affordable housing

Metro West Collaborative Development and Civico Development — the developers that will convert the West Newton Armory into affordable housing — held an open house on August 1 to explain the project to the public and introduce its revised design. In response to public input, the revisions addressed building height and accessibility, the front entrance, and the building’s massing and exterior design.

The historic front “headhouse” of the building at 1135 Washington Street in West Newton — with its crenelated, castle-like facade — will be retained and used for offices for the property manager, office space for Metro West CD, as well as for a community room and other facilities supporting the residents. The remainder of the current building will be removed and replaced with a four-story residential wing of 43 units (15 one-bedroom, 21 two-bedroom, and 7 three-bedroom). This new residential wing will be set five feet lower than the headhouse, will extend back about eight feet further than the current building, and will have parking underneath.

The development team stated that its design focus is on affordability, accessibility, and historic preservation. About two-thirds of the units will be for renters with incomes under 60% of Area Median Income (AMI), and the remaining units will be supported by rental assistance for renters with incomes under 30% of AMI. Much of the recent design revisions improve accessibility. Five of the residential units will be accessible. The headhouse will be preserved and will contain historic exhibit space.

The development team explained the project’s timeline: This fall, the permitting process will be addressed by the Zoning Board of Appeals, and the first round of financing is expected to be in January. The City, the Commonwealth, and Metro West CD will collaborate on completing the financing, which includes offering tax credits. Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2025 and be completed in time for the first residents to move in by Summer 2026.

The entire complex is designed for all ages, with a shared plaza, a private patio, lawn, and a strolling path. It features all-electric utilities and a Passive House envelope for residential units.

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