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Friends of Hemlock Gorge thank Rep. Ruth Balser

On Tuesday evening, the Friends of Hemlock Gorge honored Rep. Ruth Balser for her ongoing support of conservation and improvement projects in the Gorge and surrounding area. In 2020, Rep. Balser secured $50K in state funding to replace the roof of the historic Stone Building at the northeast corner of the park. Last year she secured $75K for historic and engineering analyses for a renovation of the building, and in this year’s budget she secured an additional $250K to implement the recommendations resulting from those analyses to complete that renovation. Additionally, Rep. Balser reported on successes of the Newton delegation (Sen. Creem, Representatives Khan, Lawn, and Balser) in securing funding authorizations in the Transportation Bond Bill that will require implementation by the Governor (this one or the next). They include $85M for Newton’s three commuter rail stations and $8.6M for bicycle and pedestrian access along Quinobequin Road.

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