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Land Use Committee public hearings opened last week — and remain open — for two Special Permit Petitions

The City Council’s Land Use Committee opened public hearings last week on two proposals for significant development projects, and both remain open for public comment. The two projects are:

Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to rezone two parcels: 11 Florence Street from MR1 to BU4 and 318 Boylston Street (Sunrise Development) from BU2 to BU4 to allow for the construction of a five-story, 120-bed facility for elderly housing and associated services. Some members of the public expressed support for the project, citing both the need for this type of housing to serve Newton’s senior population and the need for inclusionary units. (The inclusionary units are subsidized but the associated care for residents is not.) Others expressed concerns about storm-water run-off and flooding, building height and bulk, access to the site, and impact on roadways. See Special Permit documentsPlanning Memo, Powerpoint presentation, and NewTV video of the hearing (begins at 1:32:23).

Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to rezone three parcels: 1314 Washington Street, 31 and 33 Davis Streets (former Santander Bank) from BU1 to MU4, to allow for the construction of a five-story, mixed-use residential building with a 225-seat restaurant and many waivers. Residents expressed both support and concern for the project. Residents who testified in support focused on the need to create more middle-income housing near transportation and to preserve the historic structure of the former Santander Bank. Residents and several West Newton/Washington Street businesses raised concerns about parking and the request to waive 115 parking spaces required for the proposed building with a 225-seat restaurant. Business owners described negative impacts on their businesses and customers due to recent changes in parking in West Newton Square and the loss of access to the Santander parking lot. Residents of abutting properties on Davis Street expressed concerns about the height and bulk of the proposed building and the requested waiver of setback requirements. See Special Permit documentsPlannning Memo, Presentation, and NewTV video of the hearing (begins at 3:03:32).

Comments on either project may be sent to (Attn: Land Use Committee or Attn: Full City Council) or expressed at the next public hearing (date to be determined).

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