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What’s up in Climate news this week?

The Public Facilities Committee will discuss the maintenance of gas turn-off valve covers at its meeting this Wednesday (see Agenda). This item will be preceded by two requests to install and maintain gas mains to service residential properties. The Public Safety and Transportation Committee will discuss and vote on the triennial renewal of bus licenses for VPNE Parking Solutions (4 licenses) and Boston College (2 licenses) (see Agenda no mention of electrification – but see Councilor Bowman’s memo on Bus Electrification Roundtable update to the Council here). The Programs and Services Committee is scheduled to discuss field maintenance – including a description of the capital projects for the coming year (see Agenda). The Sustainable Materials Management Commission will meet on Thursday (see Agenda).

Green Newton reports that the City of Newton is also seeking volunteers to continue its sticker program. Large stickers (see below) will be applied to all recycling carts in an ongoing effort to reduce recycling contamination. The stickers, which were designed by the MassDEP Recycle Smart campaign, are intended to inform residents of what materials are acceptable in the green carts.

If you are interested in volunteering, please complete this survey. Thanks so much to the folks who have already reached out to us with interest in volunteering. For more details on the project, please email

The Newton Dems Climate Crisis Subcommittee’s Panel Discussions are available here. These were held in late April and May. The first was a state-focused climate panel with climate activist leaders, the second with our state legislators, and the third with municipal leaders.

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