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Board and Commission Meetings – Week of May 8th

Commission on Disability: The Commission on Disability will meet virtually on Monday, May 9th at 6:00 p.m. Go here to join the Zoom meeting.

The agenda includes the following:

  • Introductions
  • Approval of the April 11, 2022 Meeting Minutes
  • Open Meeting Law – after 7/15/22
  • CDBG Report
  • Prioritization of FY24 CDBG-Funded Access Projects
  • Accessible Fines Reports
  • Revised Residential Accessible Parking Space Policy
  • Potential Events for Mental Health Awareness
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • ADA Coordinator’s Report
  • Update- Funding Subcommittee
  • Adjournment

Newton Free Library Trustees: The Newton Free Library Trustees Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, May 9th, at 4:30 p.m.

Go here to join the Zoom meeting.

The agenda includes the following:

  • Call to Order
  • Discuss FY2023 Budget
  • Adjournment

Auburndale Historic District Commission: The Auburndale Historic District Commission will meet virtually on Tuesday, May 10th at 7:00 p.m.

Go here to join the Zoom meeting.

The agenda includes the following:

  • Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install front entry railings at 19 Fern Street.
  • Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to extend the back patio, build an outdoor kitchen, and install a pergola at 33 Hancock Street.
  • Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to move and reorient the existing house and build an addition and build a new house with an attached garage on the backlot at 113 Grove Street. Continued.
  • Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness (Violation) to approve as-built changes to the driveway and parking area and planting – bed retaining wall at 32 Woodland Road.
  • Request for feedback on a proposed project to demolish 24 Robin Dell and build a new
    building with approximately 42 independent living units at 24 Robin Dell and Lasell Village.
  • Administrative discussion
    • Minutes: Review and approval of March minutes.
    • Update on Design Guidelines and Rules & Regulations
    • Commission process

See Staff Memo and Packet Documents and Lasell Revised Design Options.

Community Preservation Committee: The Community Preservation Committee will meet virtually on Tuesday, May 10th at 7:00 p.m.

Go here to join the Zoom meeting.

The agenda includes the following:

  • Public Hearing on Proposal for Commonwealth Avenue Carriageway Redesign Additional Funding ($133,002 in CPA Recreation Funding)
  • Other Business
    • Review of Updated Logo Design
    • Review of Project Review Materials and Spreadsheets
    • Review of Current Finances
    • Approval of April 12 Minutes
    • Other

See Meeting Packet.

Economic Development Commission: The Economic Development Commission will meet virtually on Tuesday, May 10th at 7:00 p.m.

Go here to join the Zoom meeting.

The agenda includes the following:

  • Attendance
  • Review and Approval of Minutes of April 12, 2022
  • City Updates
    • Last Mile Delivery Zoning
    • Sustainability – Building Emissions Reduction Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO)/Embodied Carbon
    • Economic Development Director Search
    • Brewery Status
  • Discussion Items:
    • Village Center Proposed Zoning Framework
    • Working Group Representation
      • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
      • Zoning
      • Sustainability
    • Economic Development Strategy Advancement
  • Other Business
  • Date of next regularly scheduled meeting—June 14, 2022
  • Adjournment
    The location of this meeting is wheelchair acces

Design Review Committee: The Design Review Committee will meet virtually on Wednesday, May 11th at 6:00 p.m.

Go here to join the Zoom meeting.

The agenda includes the following:

  • NewCAL Project Update
  • Lincoln-Eliot School Schematic Design and Site Plan Review Approval

Youth Commission: The Youth Commission will meet both in-person at the Newton Free Library and on Zoom on Wednesday, May 11th at 6:30 p.m.

Go here to join the Zoom meeting.

The agenda includes the following:

  • Attendance
    • Meeting called to order
    • Welcome and introductions
  • Motion to accept April meeting minutes
  • Guest Speakers:
    • Ruth Hoshino, Director of School Health Services
    • Dana Bennett, Newton Public Schools
  • Other Business:
    • 2022-2023 Youth Commission Recruitment & Application
    • Subcommittee work & share out of updates
    • June 6, last meeting & celebration

Urban Design Commission: The Urban Design Commission will meet virtually on Wednesday, May 11th at 7:00 p.m.

Go here to join the Zoom meeting.

The agenda includes the following:

  • Roll Call
  • Regular Agenda
    Sign Permits
    • Town Fair Tire – 19-31 Needham Street
    • Mr. Sid – 1211 Centre Street
    • Walnut Market – 16-20 Lincoln Street
    • Mike’s Barber Shop – 1195-1209 (1197) Chestnut Street
    • The UPS Store – 321 Walnut Street
    • Church of the Redeemer – 379 Hammond Street
    • Salt – 792 Beacon Street
  • Fence Appeal
    • 255 Parker Street
  • Design Review
    • 1314 Washington Street
  • Old/New Business
    • Approval of meeting minutes
    • Commission election
  • Adjournment

See Packet Documents.

Newtonville Area Council: The Newtonville Area Council will meet virtually on Thursday, May 12th at 7:00 p.m.

Go here to join the Zoom meeting.

The agenda includes the following:

  • Update on Albemarle Park Planning and Reconfiguration and Gath Pool Projects
  • Discussion on Resuming In-Person Meetings
  • Other Business
  • Administrative Issues
    • Newtonville cleaning /maintenance funding
    • Website Improvements
    • Promotions for Newtonville businesses
    • Village Day update
    • Approval of April 14 meeting minutes

Newton Upper Falls Historic District Commission: The Newton Upper Falls Historic District Commission will meet virtually on Thursday, May 12th at 7:00 p.m.

Go here to join the Zoom meeting.

The agenda includes the following:

  • Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to move, repair and replace windows, and to install vents at 44-46 High Street.
  • Request to remediate the violations of the as-built rear addition right-side basement area, installed basement windows, and increased exposure of the basement foundation which are in violation by installing window wells and changing the grade, and a request to remediate the as-built height at 959 Chestnut Street. Continuation.
  • Administrative Discussion:
    • Remote meeting update
    • Rules & Regulations – Review and discuss draft Rules & Regulations

See Staff Memo and Packet Documents

Waban Area Council: The Waban Area Council will meet virtually on Thursday, May 12th at 7:30 p.m.

Go here to join the Zoom meeting.

The agenda includes the following:

  • Opening
    • Confirmation of quorum
    • Issues from the Community
  • Substantive Topics
    • Updates
      • Needham St Rail Path – Srdj Nedeljkovic, NHNAC
      • 20 Kinmonth Road Special Permit revision request
      • Community Updates
        • Pedestrian Safety in Waban Square, other locations
    • Waban Village Day – Planning
    • WAC Outreach – Updates
      • Brochure
      • Businesses
  • Zoning Updates
  • Administrative Items
    • WAC meeting format
    • Review & approval of Meeting Minutes
    • Treasurer’s Report
  • New Business

Newton Housing Authority: The Newton Housing Authority will meet virtually on Friday, May 13th at 2:00 p.m.

Go here to join the Zoom meeting and enter meeting passcode: 348254

The agenda includes the following:

  • Consent Agenda
    • Vote to approve April 2022 Disbursement Report
    • Vote to approve Regular Session minutes – April 7, 2022
  • Haywood House Update/Tom O’Neil Update
  • Quarterly Report – Ending March 31, 2022
  • Vote to approve Change Order with Vareika Construction for FISH 211100 Centenary Village and New Hyde Phase III Window Replacement in the amount of $51,998.07
  • Vote to approve Substantial Completion with Calhess Restoration and Weatherproofing Corp. for Hamilton Grove masonry project in the amount of $89,490.00.
  • Vote to approve amendment to Breen & Sullivan’s maintenance contract for all hi-efficiency heating and hot water equipment at Hamilton Grove, Norumbega Gardens, Horace Mann, and Nonantum Village in the amount TBD.
  • Vote to allow NHA’s Executive Director administrative approval, at their discretion, to approve change orders not to exceed 25% of any given contract amount.
  • Vote Strategic Plan IFB Contract – TBD
  • Vote to approve CDBG Grant Awards for NAMU Units: 61 Pearl St, 20/22 Falmouth Rd, 2148-2150 Comm Ave, 10-12 Cambria Rd, 11-13 Cambria Rd, 14 Nonantum Place
  • Vote to approve 55 years old and above age restriction for persons applying for 390 Newtonville Ave.

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