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General Counsel to School Committee – No Need to Vote on Field Lights

After the public hearing on the budget at the April 4th School Committee meeting, the SC received a presentation from the Parks, Recreation, and Culture Commissioner regarding proposed lights on the Newton North and Newton South High School fields. Members received this memo from Assistant Superintendent Liam Hurley regarding the approval process for these projects but several members, including the Chair, questioned what their role was on this issue (Questions begin @ 2:02:02). Attorney Murray was uncomfortable weighing in at that time because she had only heard about the issue several hours beforehand.

However, by the April 11th, meeting, Attorney Murray issued her opinion and made it clear, that the presentation of the proposed athletic field lights was for informational purposes only. Unlike other votes involving changes of use (eg. the creation of a dog park at Newton South), this vote was well within the jurisdiction of the Parks and Recreation Commission because under Section 21-2(b) of the Newton City Ordinances, the Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Commissioner has authority over the management, maintenance, and care of school grounds.

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